Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 51-58 doi:  en trámite
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Cómo cocinar el éxito en un tablero de ajedrez: propuesta de un modelo de instrucción para focalizar la atención mediante la motivación en alumnos con TDA-H.

Bárbara Liz Abelaira / Almudena Fernández Fernández / Deilis Pacheco Sanz . 51-58


In the field of Special Education, inclusive pedagogy requires attention to the diversity of students, besides the importance of knowledge that teachers must have about learning difficulties and other possible conditions present in education. The ADHD is a disorder that is the order of the day, so that more and more studies show the need to increase their understanding and make them more flexible from a comprehensive view, considering cognitive, emotional and social aspects, as well as the influence exercise motivation and emotional variables on it. Here, we present a literature review based on inputs that lead to the proposal of an instructional design, which induces a constructivist, for the Students with Special Needs Educational Support (SWSNES) of the third cycle of Primary Education, approaches on fostering motivation and allows the focus and maintenance of care through the use of chess as a resource dynamics change playful academic, as well as aspects such as self-esteem, self-control, memory, planning short and long term, self-improving, empathy, cooperative work, self-regulation of behavior
Keywords: Special Education, training model, motivation, ADHD, chess, attention focalization.

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