Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 45-52 | doi: en trámite |
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Conductas adaptativas de los niños y percepción materna de niño difícil
María del Pilar Montealegre Ramón / Julio Pérez-López / Laura Patricia Perea Velasco /
Mireia Pérez-Lag. pp. 45-52
Objective: Analyze if the variables of the adaptive behaviours of children can predict the maternal stress dimension of mother’s perceptions of difficult child characteristics.
Method: In the current study participated 18 children with their parents. All children were attending at the nursery. Children were assessed with the third version of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Mothers completed the questionnaire of parental stress of Abidin (PSI – short form)and the Adaptive behaviour’s scale of the Bayley third edition Children Behaviour Assessment Scales; when their children age were between 12 months 6 days and 29 months 15 days.
Results: Result indicates that mothers tend to perceive their children with more difficult child characteristics when they have a worse motor execution, do not relate properly with other people, are less autonomous in the daily routines of feeding, dressing or personal cleanliness, and do not follow instructions or do not do the right choices.
Conclusion: The study evidence that the mother perception of how children interact with their environment and how they adapt their selves to it, and the autonomy level that they present along their individual development, are important questions that focus mothers attention and worry them, increasing the perception of difficult child characteristics in their children.Key words: Early intervention, adaptative development, behaviour problems, maternal stress,