Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 83-86 doi: en trámite
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Intervención psicoterapéutica en las emociones
en el mundo actual en crisis.

Gómez del Amo, Rosa / Guerrero Barona, Eloísa / Borrachero Cortés, Ana Belén . pp. 83-86


Human beings evolved through and overcoming crises. In practice is essential to learn to ménage these situations as are those that allow as to take stock of our successes in daily work. The confrontation with the crisis involves confronting our shortcomings and weaknesses and to this rule is necessary and knowledge of our patients interposes defenses trying to stop the suffering involved in their recognition.
Sources of stress, Professor of mathematics, secondary, construction of scale.
Keywords: crisis, lack, weakness, defense, evolution

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