Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 567-574 | doi: en trámite |
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La gestíon del territorio profesional en una universidad pública de brasil. Un enfoque cualitativo.
Mª Otávia D’Almeida / José Carlos Sanchez García. pp. 567-574
This one study concentrates in construct innovating of the territoriality, under a perspective of qualitative information categorised by a sample of educational college teachers, gathered of sponta-neous testimonies in practices of the Psychology of the Work in a Brazilian University. It would base on a bibliographical revision of diverse authors, who centralize their investigations with respect to the management of the territoriality in the organizational space, suggesting 13 (thirteen) areas of reflec-tion near the central subject. It is a work synthesized for the purposes of construction of a biblio-graphical support for future investigations of the territoriality dimension in the psychological scope.
Keywords: Territoriality, Instinct, Cultural Identity