Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 53-61 doi:  en trámite
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Educação emocional como ferramenta propiciadora de emoções positivas.

Ana Isabel Martins Correia de Almeida / Maria Augusta Romão da Veiga Branco. pp. 53-61


The present study starts in the recognition of the symbiosis effect between the concepts of Positive Psychology (Seligman y Csikszentmihalyi, 2000) and Emotional Education (Bisquerra, 2000; Veiga Branco  2004, 2005, 2007), to achieve the objective of enabling people to promote pos-itive feelings. Starting from this concepts, what is assumed as a goal, is to recognize the effects of training in emotional education, in a sample of 35 secondary school teachers, from the north and south of Portugal, through their discursive units, from responses to a script of interview (Tuckman, 2000). The results expose a categorical tree, with four primary categories, and 10 secondary effects, that have significant intra and inter personal reflections after training, and the resulting personal preparation, with the application of the strategies learned. In conclusion, results confirm the theo-retical model, but not exactly as proposed by the author.
Keywords: Emotional Education, Positive Psychology, Positive Emotions.

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