Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 497-506 doi: en trámite
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What do young italians think of child work?

Paula Benevene. pp. 497-506


The research’s general aim is to understand Italian youngsters’ perceptions, and attitudes towards child work.
This research wants to verify the following hypotheses:

1. Youngsters’ mental representation of child work is mainly negative;
2. Youngsters distinguish between child work and exploitation;
3. Youngsters have a positive attitude towards carrying out light forms of safeguarded work;
4. Youngsters think they are able to decide autonomously and independently whether to work or not.

A questionnaire was administered to a group of 1.230 Italian high school students, ranging from 13 to 20 years-old. Results confirmed the hypotheses. The data showed that youngsters have a negative attitude towards child work, since it can jeopardize school results, the youngsters’ social life, and the development of a positive adult life.

However, light work is accepted and positively considered, since youngsters see it as an opportunity to become more independent, to have fun and to socialize, provided that the conditions under which this experience is done can guarantee the youngsters’ respect and dignity.
Finally, adolescents recognize themselves to be able to decide autonomously about the opportunity and the feasibility of doing a light work.
Keywords: child work; attitudes towards child work; youngsters’ attitudes.

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