Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 487-496 | doi: en trámite |
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Stress e burnout a nível laboral em Portugal.
António Fernando Saldanha Portelada / Ana Lúcia da Silva João. pp. 487-496
The stress is a result of the perception of a problem between the planned objectives and the resources that are prepared to face them. When the factors or stress agents are prolonged in the time and become chronic, burnout can occur. Queirós (2005) states that the term burnout can be translated by failure or exhaustion due to excessive expenses of energy, strength or resources.
The investigation study effectuated, intends to present the reality that involves stress and burnout in the workplace and to connect the same with the characteristics of the subjects in study. The sample is constituted by 166 persons performing work functions in areas of health, education, social services, among others.
It was conducted the study of validity and reliability of two scales used: Scale of Satisfaction at work (EET) and Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI-GS).
Upon completion of this study, it was found that the conscience of suffering stress and / or burnout in the work place is related to higher levels of these two phenomens. Being that the stress is largely cor-related with burnout, in other words the bigger the levels of stress, the bigger the burnout in a work level.
Keywords: Workplace Burnout, Stress at Work, Labor Wellfare