Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 479-486 doi: en trámite
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Skills traits and enterpreneurial competences: an applied study.

Laura Russo / Valeria Caggiano / Antonio Ragusa. pp. 479-486


Given that “entrepreneurs are not born but made”, entrepreneurship education is of great impor-tance for the development and training of entrepreneurs. However, one cannot ignore that certain characteristics, more than others, seem to affect the will to start a business.
In particular, these variables are locus of control, engagement, self-efficacy, and employability. In fact, the interest that psychology turns to entrepreneurship is connected to the personal devel-opment of the individual that “undertakes”.
The research took place in Rome on a sample of one hundred entrepreneurs and potential entre-preneurs. It showed that these variables are significantly present among the people employed in the Roman company that has been specifically analyzed.
Keywords: entrepreneurs, education, aspects and personality traits, locus of control, engage-ment, employability, self efficacy

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