Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 447-455 | doi: en trámite |
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Satisfação profissional e saúde mental: estudo empírico com uma amostra de docentes do ensino superior.
Sara Cristina Martins Lopes Borges / Dulce Serra Simões. pp. 447-455
We analyse the relation between job satisfaction and perceptions of justice, the existence of dif-ferences between job satisfaction and socio-professional variables; an inverse association between the dimensions of job satisfaction and the dimensions related to mental health is present. The study includes teachers of ISMT and ESTES, the instruments used were a Socio-Demographic Questionnaire, the TJSQ, the QPJ and the BSI. The 81 teachers who participated in the study 59.3%were female and 40.7% were male. The TJSQ showed significant positive scores amongst them-selves, noticeably, relating to factors 1, 2 and 4. The relationship between TJSQ and the QPJ factors showed that TJSQ factor 1, 2 and the different factors that make up the QPJ scale reach statistical significance and factors 3, 4 and 5 of the TJSQ reach highly significant correlations with all QPJ fac-tors. The correlations between the TJSQ with socio-demographic variables, no significant relations are discovered, except in gender and in factors 3 and 4 and the type of educational institution. The TJSQ shows very low and negative correlations with almost the entire dimensions of the BSI. Factor 4 of the TJSQ and dimensions of the BSI is the exception since it has significant value to the Interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression, Hostility, Anxiety, Phobic and Paranoid Ideation.
Keywords: job satisfaction, higher education teacher’s, mental health