Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 393-401 doi: en trámite
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L’intervento psicologico nelle emergenze e negli eventi critici.

Di Maria Grazia Santucci. pp. 393-401


In the last years we assisted to a progressive increase in the realization of psycho-social programs within the humanitarian assistance, of the cooperation to the development and of the national emer-gencies, as a result of a taking of conscience generalized of the importance of the psychological con-tribution in the support interventions of the groups and the communities struck by critical events. The result of this diffused sensitization in concomitance with to rise up of specific needs, is that they don’t remain anymore “only” a proposal that accords that are for the Category today, for the Psychology of the emergency and for the collectivity a real norm for the Psycho-social Support in the catastrophes.
The Psychology of the emergency deals its with to prepare to face such situations as I help to the person and the society in its complex. The psychological damages provoked by the underdevel-opment from the natural catastrophes or from the wars to the individuals and the communities, but also from the exasperation of the situations of proximity with different cultures and habits, to the dif-ficulty to elaborate re-adaptive answers to the daily contexts / events considered critical, they are not less important than those of social order, hygienic – sanitary, nutritional or housing.
It is necessary therefore for the psychologists to equip them of a specific repertoire of knowl-edges and competences that puts them in degree to face in way professionally adjusted the complex assignments that have called to develop in the local, national and international contexts.
The synergy that would be created forming mixed groups of rescuers, psychologists and fire-fighters, could not only bring a wealth of competences but also of relationships that would repre-sent an incomparable resource in the operational moment.
Keywords: Psychology of the emergency, CISM Critical Incident Stress Management Debrifing, Post traumatic stress disorder

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