Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 365-372 doi: en trámite
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Influência da personalidade (modelo big five) no burnout profissional.

Anabela Coutinho. pp. 365-372


This investigation article entitled “Influence of the Personality (Big Five model) in Professional Burnout, intends to study the relation of the constructions of the theoretical model of the five Factors “Big Five” in the Professional Burnout.
From a quantitative methodology, we conceive a transversal study (“one shot study”), explorato-ry, analytical and correlational description, using as an instrument of data collecting a questionnaire based on the structure of two scales: of the” Big Five Inventory “(Personality) of John, Donahue & Kentle (1991), adapted by O.John and Srivastava, (1999), and “MBI-GS-Maslach Inventory-General Survey ” (Schaufeli, Leiter, Maslach & Jackson,1996) and also a questionnaire for the Sociodemographic, professional and institutional characterization, prepared by us.
These instruments had been applied to a universe of 422 collaborators of a public institution, with ages between 19 and 65 years, in the area of Coimbra. Relatively to gender, the sample is con-stituted by elements of 112 male (26, 5%) and 310 of female (73, 5%).
According to the obtained data, the personality features vary in function of the professional Sociodemographic/professional characteristics, which confirms our hypothesis.
If the Professional Burnout-varies according to the sociodemographic characteristics /profes-sionals, we concluded that only three sociodemographic/professional characteristics (years of serv-ice, marital status, occupational categories) showed some influence on the burnout syndrome. Furthermore, we observed that no sociodemographic and professional variable influences the dimension exhaustion.
In the dimension cynicism, the frequency of individuals with primary education had higher lev-els. Also, we observed that persons with secondary frequency had higher values in the dimension Professional Effectiveness, contrary to the feminine gender, which showed lower values.
Regarding to the possibility of a relation between the five factors of personality and the three dimensions of burnout, we evidence that our hypothesis was confirmed.
Finally, we found that there is a higher predicative value of the personality traits in sociodemo-graphic characteristics/professional than in personality traits in relation to burnout .Therefore, our hypothesis was confirmed.
Keywords: Personality; Five factors Model -“Big Five”; Professional Burnout.

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