Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 335-343 doi: en trámite
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Estudo de validação da escala lipt-60 nos enfermeiros portugueses.

Ana Lúcia da Silva João. pp. 335-343


The term mobbing is characterized by the repetition, during a long period of time, of hostile behaviors and conducts without ethics, developed by a superior or colleague against other workers.
Along the present work of investigation, was carried out a validation study of the scale LIPT-60 (Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization) constituted by 60 questions of the authors José Rivera and Manuel Abuín (2003). The sample was constituted by 3227 nurses who performed tasks in Portugal. Of these, 79.55% were female and had an average of age of 34,10 years (DP = 8.79).
The factor analysis was carried out and 9 factors explaining 63.06% of the total variance were obtained. The nomenclature assigned to each dimension of scale LIPT-60, taking into account the theoretical framework has been designated by: labor discredit, isolation, direct attacks, personal dis-credit, professional manipulation, progress blocking, defamation, communication blocking and intimidation.
In all dimensions obtained by factor analysis were found Cronbach’s alpha values of good or excellent, except in dimension of intimidation, in which the value obtained was considered low but acceptable.
Keywords:Psychological Aggression, Mistreatment at Work, Workplace Relations.

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