Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 317-323 doi: en trámite
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El programa aprender a convivir y la reducción de problemas de conducta en niños de educación primaria.

María Fernández Cabezas / Fernando Justicia Justicia / Guadalupe Alba Corredor / Ana Justicia Arráez. pp. 317-323


The present study analyzes the results of the implementation of a program of social skills which aim is the prevention of the antisocial conducts in the children to prevent them from developing in a future disruptive conducts. The program calls “Aprender a Convivir “ and the children who bene-fit from him are 6 and 7 years old and already they have taken part in the same one during the stage of preschool, from 3 to 5 years. The sample belongs to a school of the centre of Granada and is formed by subjects. The aim of the program is the transmission of different social skills by means of comics and different activities. The longitudinal results that they present are very positive since they indicate that these children have less punctuation in relation to the average for these ages in the variables of exteriorization, interiorization and other problems. Also it is the fact that the positive influence of the program is kept during the years of preschool.
Keywords:Primary education, antisocial conduct, social skills, prevention

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