Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 309-315 doi: en trámite
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Eficacia instruccional de diversas herramientas de la web 2.0 en la mejora de competencias ocupacionales.

Judit García Martín / Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez / Mª Lourdes Álvarez Fernández / Héctor Díez Caso. pp. 309-315


We analyze the instructional effectiveness of various Web 2.0 tools to improve occupational skills. For that purpose, we have designed an instructional program, Occupational Skills Development (FOCO). The student of this program will achieve various occupational skills through written communication competence and from several web 2.0 tools among which are a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning Management System (LMS) or Course Management System (CMS), forums and YouTube. To which are added other Web applications. Thus, this rese-arch is expected to improve digital competence and written competence of participants, acquired various basic and specific skills and to analyze the value of the web as a tool for teaching, learning and sharing social. We received competitive funds from the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research MICINN project (EDU2010-19250) for the triennium 2010-2013, awarded to IP (J.N. García) and two FPI Grants MICINN attached to projects (ML Álvarez, J. García Martín).
Keywords: web 2.0, 2.0 tools, uses, effects, learning, job hunting.

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