Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 261-266 doi: en trámite
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Contraste de dos modalidades instruccionales en competencia comunicativa escrita: producto y proceso.

Mª Lourdes Álvarez Fernández / Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez / Judit García Martín / Héctor Díez Caso. pp. 261-266


The current paper has as an objective to present two modalities of writing instruction, one that is focused on the textual product while the other focuses on the writing process. These instruction-al methods are framed within the format of an online program, which specifically centers its efforts on occupational skills related to the job search, by placing under consideration basic social compe-tencies such as written communication. During the course of this study, we received competitive aids from the MICINN project (EDU2010-19250) for the three-year period of 2010-2013; awarded to IP J. N. García along with two scholarship funds FPI from MICINN assigned to projects (M.L. Álvarez; J. García Martín).
Keywords:instructional program, written communication, textual product, writing process

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