Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 213-221 doi: en trámite
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Assessment of business skills experimental study: aspects and personality traits.

Angela Furfari / Valeria Caggiano. pp. 213-221


Enterpreneurs are people investing their own asset to create opportunities for them selves and others,they are requie to be flexible as both job market and global economy have varied enormous-ly over the years.
They’re currently seen as the only ones able to tackle unemployment which is spreading accross the world undermining local economies.
This study main is to look at the entrepreneur himself:the role he plays within his community, the influence he has on the economy, the values and ideas driving his action.
The sample in represented by a group of 400 italian entrepreneurs, including (36,5%)of males and female (63,5%), and age range is 37,02(d.s.=11,61).
We asked them to fill in a questionaire (Coem Joseè Carlos Sanchez,2006),which takes into account eitheir work engagement, cognitive styles and aspect and personalità traits,for to assess what their career choice.
Keywords: entrepreneurs, unemployment,education, aspects and personality traits and cogni-tive styles.

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