Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 203-212 doi: en trámite
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Ansiedade dos estudantes perante o ensino clínico um estudo com estudantes de enfermagem.

Alfredo Cruz Lourenço / Pedro Miguel S. pp. Dinis Parreira. pp. 203-212


Regarding nursing students, the anxiety factors during their formation period and the specifici-ties of clinical teachings, some research show that the aspects related with the clinical context or the relationship with the patients often bring anxiety to the student. Besides the situations being com-plex and problematic, the students themselves feel that they are continuously being evaluated, and from there arises the problem of anxiety referred by many students in the context of clinical prac-tice. The present study, of exploratory, transversal and quantitative nature aims to know what stress factors are mentioned by a set of students (N=327), from the degree in Nursing, that answered an investigation protocol constituted by a socio-demographic characterization survey and by the State-Trait Anxiety Index (Y Form). The analysis made allowed to test the psychometric qualities of the instrument as well as con-firm the factorial analysis of its portuguese version. In terms of obtained results we conclude that although there are no significant differences in terms of anxiety related to the factors of socio-demographic characterization, the high anxiety indices can be explained by the clinical teaching itself and by the impact of the students’ first con-tact with the nursing practice.
Keywords: Stress factors, index, nursing students, clinical teaching

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