Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 199-202 doi: en trámite
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Amamentação de mulheres trabalhadoras inscritas em unidades de saúde de meio urbano e rural.

Rosa Maria Correia Jerónimo Pedroso / Dulce Maria Pereira Garcia Galvão pp. 199-202


Combining the roles of mother and employed woman in urban or rural areas can be a hurdle to the breastfeeding.
It was developed a descriptive and transversal study with 79 mothers, who were registered in a Family Health Unit from one urban and eight rural health centres. The data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, which was administered to a convenience sample composed of mothers who remained breastfeeding after coming back to their jobs.
It was intended to study the maintenance of exclusive and total breastfeeding of mothers regis-tered in urban and rural Family Health Units, after coming back to their jobs.
7.6% of mothers breastfed up to six months of age and only 1.3 % breastfed up to 18 months. Only 13.9% made the introduction at 6 months of age and 34.2% of mothers reported the return to work as the main cause for the introduction of other food in the child diet, besides the women milk.
Our results are in good agreement with the study developed by Pedroso et al (2011), who con-cluded that 34.8% of mothers kept child’s breastfeeding for more than 6 months after the return to work.
It will be required that the society look to breastfeeding as productive and significant work, developing educational actions which address the importance and the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding.
Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, Employed Woman, Premature weaning.

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