Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 93-104 | doi: en trámite |
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Competências emocionais: uma questão de género?
Celeste Antão / Maria Augusta Veiga Branco. pp. 19-27
Recognizing the relationship between emotional responses, cognitive functioning and learning (Ruthig et al., 2008, 2009; Chung, I., 2010), is the scientific ground to the goals of this research: Firstly, is to know the capacities levels in the Emotional Competence (CE.) profile in students of high-er education, and secondly, is to study the differences between genders, in the five capacities levels of their Emotional Competence’s profile. This quantitative and descriptive study, was performed in a probabilistic sample including 438 students of higher education from North Portugal, and the instru-ment applied was “Escala Veiga de Competência Emocional” (EVCE), developed by Veiga-Branco (2004a, b). Results show that CE profiles have – in this sample of students – some differences on capacities: firstly, 50% of students show a level above “moderate” in the capacities: Self-con-science, Empathy and Emotions Management in Group”. But, more than 50%, present values below “moderate”, in “Emotions Management” and “Self-motivation”. Finally, gender proved to be a mod-erate variable, as follows: female present a superior level in Self-motivation profile, than male.
Keywords: Competence, Emotion, Gender, Higher education