Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 179-187 doi: en trámite
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A ginástica pathosplástica da perturbação anti-social da personalidade.

Sofia Isabel Nobre Teodósio M. pp. Frank. pp. 179-187


Our study was based in the scientific literature revision of 28 articles of Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). The objective of our investigation intends to understand the process of the psy-chopath successful adaptation. We point as our study justification the need of understand the devel-opment process and penal draw complexity of ASPD, as well the role of emotions in the pathologi-cal construction and development of this individuals self, being of primary importance the explo-ration of defence and coping mechanisms, particularly concerning the reality conscience, anxiety metabolism and fear. In conclusion, cerebral structures of ASPD individuals present differences in terms of information process, emotion, motivation, attention and will to process them. ASPD indi-viduals show reduced amygdala volume, and the principal lobes involved in this pathology develop-ment are the limbic-temporal-prefrontal. The reality construction and adaptation obviously, as in all, it’s all a matter of strategy and gene: BCBG – Bon Chic, Bon Genre with good Coping and good Gene!Knowing that ASPD individuals have an anti-social adaptability to the external world, performing as exquisite war machines as they are.
Keywords: Scientific literature revision, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, limbic-temporal-pre-frontal lobes, genetic and environmental influence, emotions.

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