Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 169-178 doi: en trámite
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A construção da identidade homossexual na américa latina.

Ana Paula Louro Diogo Botelho de Sousa / Lisete dos Santos Mendes Mónico / Florencio Vicente Castro. pp. 169-178


The present research aims to analyze the effects of stress on the employees of a private school of basic education. We intend to analyze both the professional and individual characteristics of the teachers and of the employees and to find its consequences on self perceived stress.
The sample is composed by the total number of teachers and employees of the school. The question-naire about Stress in a Work Place (Karasek, 1985) was used as a measure instrument. It presented ade-quate psychometric properties for the global scale as well as for the five subscales: Work Requirements, Decision-making Authority, Employment Conditions and Support by Heads and Coworkers.
We found that the main sources that generate stress on collaborators of the reporting institution are in employment conditions. Hypothesis 1 found empirical support only to the subscale employ-ment conditions: women show a higher degree of stress than male collaborators. Hypothesis 2 was verified for the work requirements and for the support by heads and coworkers, pointing to lower levels in workers with more years of experience. Hypothesis 3, concerning the effect of the age, didn’t show empirical support.
Keywords: Organizational stress; Stress at work; Private school of basic education.

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