Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 4, pp. 117-123 doi: en trámite
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Risk factors associated with burnout syndrome in teachers.

Maria María José Fínez Silva / Alejandro Javier García Montero. pp. 117-123


Burnout syndrome is a response to chronic job stress characterized by a lack of motivation, dis-interest, internal unrest and job dissatisfaction, which seems to especially affect certain profession-al groups. From a psychosocial perspective, it is conceptualized as a process that involves reduced personal accomplishment at work, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Burnout develop-ment involves deterioration in physical and mental health and has negative consequences in per-sonal and work spheres. Teachers are considered among the professional groups more affected by Burnout syndrome. The aim of this work is to present a bibliography review of the main variables associated with Burnout syndrome in teachers. Many risk factors associated with Burnout syndrome were identified. Two types of factors were distinguished: individual (sociodemographic and person-ality variables) and organizational factors (work environment and work conditions). The results in this study should be taken into account when working to prevent Burnout syndrome in teachers.
Keywords: Burnout, teachers, risk factors, bibliography review.

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