Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 75-86 doi:  en trámite
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Espacio europeo de educación superior y usuarios con problemas auditivos: diseño de   nuevas herramientas sociocomunitarias

Sánchez Casado, J. Inmaculada / Benítez Merino, José Miguel . pp. 75-86


In this paper is to analyze the implementation of socio-community new tools to improve the edu-cational inclusion of college students with hearing according to the needs of the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The accessibility to communication is a cross-curricular priorities within the new institutional training and trainers than any twenty-first century inclusive university should consider. And to do both the design and use of resources such as the present can form possible proto-cols in the field of Higher Education, harmonized and quality standards rethink a compendium of «best practices», this original «resource» favors inclusion of students with hearing impairment in general betting community experiences in representing the bilingual approach in our country. A wor-king philosophy based on the concept of «bicultural» the deaf individual.
Keywords: Deaf community. Accessibility. Communication. Socio inclusion

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