Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 309-315 doi:  en trámite
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Diseño y experimentación de un programa educativo para mayores en Almería: proyecto Grundtvig

David Padilla-Góngora / Remedios López-Liria / Ana Mª Martínez-Martínez /
Giorgo Soro / Diego Pérez Mora . pp. 309-315


The European project entitled “Integrating adults and the elderly towards a Europe of knowl-edge”, coordinated by the University of Almería, within the actions of “Grundtvig learning partner-ships for adult education” (2010-2012), has carried out the testing of an educational program for people over 55 years in five countries (Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany and Hungary). We aim to demonstrate its usefulness and validity in these five European places, and we also aim to check the possibility of this program being extended to any other countries with similar features and which are actually interested in training programs for the community during their lifetime.
The main objective of this research was to help older people so that they could have suitable means to improve their knowledge, skills and participation in the current “knowledge society”.
Throughout this article, there is a description of the methodology and procedures utilized in order to put the training program into practice. This program consists of five modules with contents on leisure and spare time, social relationships, health, new technologies and culture, in a sample of 100 old people from the province of Almeria.
Keywords: permanent education, elderly, Project, Grundtvig

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