Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 291-300 | doi: en trámite |
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Aliança terapêutica no contexto dos cuidados primários de saúde
Jorge Alberto Carrulo de Sousa / Eugénia Ribeiro . pp. 291-300
Objectives: to study the working alliance in primary healthcare context.
Sample: 207 patients from 7 Health Centers.
Instruments: a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Working Alliance Inventory – Health
Contexts (WAI-HC), the Reported Adherence to Medication Scale and Attitudes towards Doctors and Medicine Scale.
Hypothesis: 1- the time of patients’ medical supervision is negatively related to therapeutic adher-ence and 2- the time of patients’ medical supervision is positively related to the working alliance.
Results: Items distribution by factor was theoretically incoherent in the exploratory factor analy-sis. Considering only the theoretical criterion, the internal consistency analysis of the WAI-HC overall was α = .88. Eliminating three items from the Goals subscale, we enhance the total alpha score (α =.92). The other subscales revealed the following values, Attachment(α =.84),Task’s (α =.78), and Goal’s (α = .73). Hypotheses 1 and 2 are confirmed, i.e., medical supervision time is important both for therapy adherence (r = -.140, p = .05)and working alliance(r = .194, p = .006).
Conclusion: medical supervision is positively correlated with the doctor-patient relationship and negatively correlated with therapeutic adherence.
doctor-patient relationship; working alliance; primary healthcare contexts
Keywords: family dynamics, homosexuality, gays, lesbians, revelation