Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 281-289 | doi: en trámite |
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A investigação sobre a transição para a vida adulta e envelhecimento na população com deficiência intelectual
Rute Dinis de Sousa / Vítor Franco . pp. 281-290
In the context of an aging population, it becomes imperative to study this phenomenon on the population with intellectual disability. Despite the great research on children and youths with intel-lectual disabilities, it lacks information about the transition to adulthood within this population and understanding its lifespan development and aging.
The research is mostly quantitative, focused on one part of these people’s life, using indirect information, elaborating conceptual models and meager reviews. The main research trends in this field are: 1) health; 2) daily living and autonomy; 3) social relationships and community participa-tion; 4) employment and retirement; 5) formal and informal care. These are frequently mediated by some factors as: impairment level, etiology, sex and type of residence. Regarding the research, the knowledge about these life steps isn’t yet illuminating, once it seems fragmented, static and decontextualized. It seems critical to study the aging phenomenon of the per-son with intellectual disability in a comprehensive way, understood as a global, complex and con-text-related path.
Keywords: intellectual disability; transition to adulthood; aging.