Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 261-268 doi:  en trámite
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Un estudio sobre las creencias del alumnado universitario sobre la discapacidad: necesidades formativas

Asunción Lledó Carreres / María Camús San Juan / Natalia Riera Molina. pp. 261-268


The work presented is part of a line of investigation initiated of an inclusive education in all edu-cational contexts. From this perspective, we have initiated the study of attention to diversity, by situation of disability at the University. To do so, we have focused on the knowledge they have our future teachers, students of Childhood Education Degree. The issue is the influence of the lack of training on beliefs and knowledge on disability of students starting university studies. The resultsobtained confirm the lack of training them on the various aspects of disability. As a result, and to the significant changes that are happening in Spanish universities with the EHEA, would take into account the inclusion of educational knowledge in different degrees to greater inclusion of this stu-dents at the University.
Keywords: belief, disability, inclusive education, training needs.

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