Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 221-228 | doi: en trámite |
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Problemas comunicativos en escolares.
Diferencias entre padres y maestros
Rosa Ana Clemente / Clara Andrés Roqueta / Raquel Flores Buils . pp. 221-228
This work tries to clarify the level of agreement between parents and teachers of children with language and communication difficulties who are diagnosed with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), when they have to report which area of their language is more affected and in which degree. Agreement among different assessors is usually a matter of controversy, because different per-spectives and points of view can led to differences on judgments about the same person. Previous studies confirm the existence low correlations between them, almost no significant (Bishop, 1998; Massa et al.2008).
In this study parents and teachers answered the CCC-2 questionnaire (Bishop, 2003) to assess communication difficulties in children older than 4 years-old. Results showed the existence of sig-nificant differences between two pragmatic sub-scales: Stereotyped behaviours and Context, but no significant differences were found in the rest of sub-scales. Correlations between parents and teach-ers reached values between 0.41 and 0.57. The study concludes that it is possible that these differ-ences are due to a more contextualized assessment made by parents. This work was possible thanks to the grant (EDU2010-21791) by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and the grant (P1-1B2010-16) by Fundación Caixa-Castellón.
Keywords: Language and communication. Specific language impairment (SLI). Parent report. Pragmatics.