Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 193-202 doi:  en trámite
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La evaluación de un programa de atención temprana
en un caso de prematuridad

Silvia García Méndez / Maria Isabel Fajardo Caldera
/ Maria Luisa Bermejo García . pp. 193-202


This paper presents the results obtained after the intervention of an individual program of early intervention, a premature child of 2 years and 8 months (32 months). Initially, we performed an ini-tial assessment to implementation of the development scale of Brunet-Lezine reviewed to assess their needs from the psychological point of view. Intervention was performed for a year and was re-evaluated the child. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of this program, because an impro-vement is seen in development in which different areas have worked how psychomotor, cognitive, language area and social area.
Keywords: early care, prematurity, individual program, early intervention.

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