Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 183-192 doi:  en trámite
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La evaluación de los errores conceptuales en la multiplicación en escolares chilenos

Yazna Cisternas Rojas / Mª Dolores Gil Llario / Paula Sabater Pavía /
Mª Isabel Marí Sanmillán / Mª Carmen Cano Escribano . pp. 183-192


Understanding the nature of conceptual errors or misconceptions that students have to face with multiplicative character is a prime target for teachers in school. The aim of this article is to plan and validate an evaluative instrument to understand the conceptual errors in multiplication problems. Participants in this study were 40 fourth-year students basic from two public schools that work with the Shared Support Program Plan (CAP) of Chile. The test of 22 multiple choice items was applied before and after the course in order to identify errors that last with students. It is shown that the ins-trument is relevant to the objective, since it is sensitive to improvements due to instruction ,so it can identify misconceptions. It is found that calculation errors due to misunderstanding of the concept of multiplication and domain algorithm operation persist despite instruction. The importance of star-ting early  the process E / A of multiplication is debated.
Keywords: misconceptions, problems with math, multiplication.

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