Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 173-182 | doi: en trámite |
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La eficiencia lectora en vista de niños y adolescentes con baja visión
Carlos Manuel Santos Plaza / María Elena Del Campo Adrián . pp. 173-182
Many low vision students do not reach an efficient and fluent reading during their schooling stage. The research started with a study in which a Programme to enhance reading efficiency in a case of Bitemporal Heteronymous Hemianopia was applied. Afterwards, an exploratory study about real reading practice of the visual impaired students in Secondary Education who mainly use the vision was conducted. Most of the students have a monocular reading, they use short distance and do not need optical aids. The reading efficiency showed: a high typical deviation, low reading speed, low level of comprehension and difficulties with words recognition. In order to collect information 53 questionnaires were used by the researchers. The questionnaires showed that most of the students read ink printed contents; they considered having an ade-quate access to information and being able to improve with the practice. EFILECT proposes an intervention program based on a combined model of procedures like: repeated reading, joint reading and speed reading techniques. Thus a pilot study was conducted and now it is being applied to a sample of students with visual impairment and reading difficulties with a significant improvement. A more in depth research is needed in order to optimize readding efficiency and minimize the learning efforts.
Keywords: Education. Visual rehabilitation. Students with low vision. Reading skills.