Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 129-136 doi:  en trámite
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Inteligencia sensoriomotriz en niños con síndrome de down

Maria De Fátima Minetto / Maria Augusta Bolsanello . pp . pp. 129-136


This study investigates the notion level that children with Down Syndrome (DS) have about object permanence and physical causality, during early intervention service. The sampling was twenty two children, aged between four months and four years old, currently in early  intervention program, in a special education school in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. The data was collected by means of a variation of method proposed by Piaget, which combines the observation of the spontaneous actions of the children with the application of small experiments. The data qualitative analysis reve-aled: (a) five children presented the two notions; (b) three children had adequate behavior for their ages, although their notions weren’t completely built; (c) fourteen children had  different behavior than predicted by the literature according to their ages. We conclude that while most of the children present delay age levels concerning the construction of the two notions, they built successively simi-lar to the children with no syndrome. It is important to point the importance of entry the DS children as soon as possible in a early intervention program.
Keywords: Down syndrome; sensorimotor intelligence; early intervention

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