Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 119-128 | doi: en trámite |
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Historietas gráficas para trabajar modismos con niños/as con problemas comunicativos
Clara Andrés Roqueta / Raquel Flores Buils / Rosa Ana Clemente Estevan . pp. 119-128
Idioms are particular forms of figurative language with a high conventional component. Therefore, its learning is linked to the exposition to them in diffrent communicative contexts. However, the semantic opacity of idioms also determines the extent to which the literal meaning con-tributes to deduct the figurative meaning.
Children with communication disorders diagnosed with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are told to have limited access to conversation with other people. Thus, they have problems to understand idioms and they usually tend to make literal interpretations of them. However, there is little evidence of methods to train idiom understanding competence that are adapted to the particularities of this population and take into account the properties of idioms.
This paper offers a novel methodology to teach idiom understanding in children with pragmatic difficulties throw graphic short stories (comic). This method will distinguish between training opa-que idioms and training transparent idioms, and also will offer several the presence of several inter-pretations of each idiom on each story (figurative, literal, partial, semantic search and incoherent meanings). Authors want to thank the grant from Fundación Caixa Castellón (P1-1B2010-16) and the grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (EDU2010-21791)
Keywords: Idioms; Specific Language Impairment (SLI); Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD); Prgmatics; Intervention.