Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 3, pp. 105-118 | doi: en trámite |
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Fenómeno relacional na emergência da aprendizagem e desenvolvimento em crianças com NEE
Maria Susana De Freitas Jardim . pp . 105-118
This article presents the results of the research-action, quasi-experimental, in the field of psy-chology, who wants to test the Modelo Psicoterapêutico Relacional Dialógico (Leal, 1981, 1985, 2001, 2003, 2007; Aires, 2001, 2004), and validate the hypothesis of clinical format and (re)organi-sation socio-emotional/(re)school learning/mental development, 16 children, 1st cycle, with repea-ted school failure, special educational needs (NEE), mental area, without neurological/ sensory defect known, frames in personality structure of the matrix vs. classification of DSM-IV-TR/ICD10, namely: i) Affective Psychosis (Disintegrative Second Childhood Disturbed; Organic Mental Disorder or Symptomatic Unspecified; ii)Psychopathic Immature/Humiliation (Disturbance Opposition/Disturbance Behaviour; Personality Disorder with Emotional Instability/Dissocial Personality/Paranoid Personality; Disorder of Challenging/ Opposition; iii) Psychopathic with Hyperactivity (Disturbance Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity; Disorders of Activity/Attention. The analysis content/statistical processing of instruments, developed for this research, in comparative terms experimental group(GE)/control group(GC), initial/end times of intervention in GE, show that both dynamic format produced changes in inadequate reactions, encourage the learning of (re)orga-nisation socio-emotional and school learning, as the intervention was instrumental of mental deve-lopment. In addition, confirm the genesis of the inability to learn is emotional-relational dysfunctio-nal aspects of personality, and difficulties in the relationship I-Cuidador. In general, demonstrate the resolution of real problems, and the virtues of paradigm shift in vision of mental development and learning school.
Keywords: I; relation; NEE; mental development; learning; socio-emotional disturbance; «con-tingent mutuality».