Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 59-68 | doi: en trámite |
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Competencias básicas: un marco legislativo, teórico y aplicativo
Alejandro Javier García Montero / María José Fínez Silva. pp. 59-68
The present work a tour tries to realize for the principal contemporary educational Spanish directives who more have influenced most of the Spanish pupils since are the General Law of 1970, the Organic General Law of the Educational System or LOGSE, the unsuccessful Law of Educational Quality or LOCE and the current Organic Law of Education or LOE up to coming to the progressive implantation of the Basic Competitions, compiling in the same diverse legal mentioned contributions, assuming the theoretical internal frame _legal_ and day pupil _European laws_ and proposing like a frame of application in the classroom with regard to his development, implantation and evaluation, from liberating and humanistic pedagogic currents as Freire’s concientizacion, the praxiological curricula, and nowadays the 1996 UNESCO Delor´s Inform about education.
Key words: basic competitions, educational laws, liberating pedadogic.