Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 323-330 doi:  en trámite
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El estilo educativo de los adultos como indicador de buen pronóstico en el acogimiento familiar

Mª José Moral Valderas / Rocio Sospedra Aguado /
Rosa J. Molero Mañes / Yolanda Sabater Barrocal. pp. 323-330


The extended family (that one with a kinship connection to the minor) and the foster family (that one with no kinship with the minor) are two structures that offer a resource of protection for minors who can’t stay under the care of their parents.
One indicator that points out a positive forecast for a particular case of foster care is the educa-tional style that is put into practice. Keeping this in mind, our goal is to compare the educational pat-terns of both types of families in order to proof the vulnerability of one of those types of families, against the other. The extended family usually comes as a resource for avoiding feelings such as rootlessness. The resources both types of family have are very different, and this strengthens even more the vulnerability of the aforementioned type of family (usually grandparents, who already faced many problems to raise their own children).

It is therefore somehow obvious that most extended families use as a pattern for raising their children inappropriate educational styles, in opposition to foster families, that tend to use assertive and democratic educational patterns.

Keyword: Foster care, extended family, foster family, educational style profile, minors, protec-tion system, vulnerability.

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