Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 303-312 | doi: en trámite |
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Deep violence against women and maria da penha law
Valdeci Gonçalves da Silva. pp. 303-312
Child violence, which seems to increase lately, is one of the most complex problems along childhood and adolescence and the family environment is essential for their socialization. For this purpose, through the Questionnaire of Information, Attitudes and Behaviors related to health-1st version (CIACS-1), the existence of violent behaviors which are developed by 350 parents of children (from 4 to 8 years) from Valencia Community is analyzed, as well as some violent behaviors which are carried out by their daughters and sons. In general, the results show the prevalence of certain violent behaviors in some family environments, such as admitting the violence in their family context, defending the physic punishment as educational method or having difficulties to control their emotions in family conflicts. Regarding gender, we notice differences such as boys exceed girls in their predilection for watching violent movies which increases when they become older. Globally, our results support the need of developing early detection programs to prevent violent behaviors in family along childhood, distinguishing age and gender.
Keyword: violence, family environment, child health, epidemiology.