Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 235-246 doi:  en trámite
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Uno studio sulla percezione della riforma universitaria: il caso di scienze della comunicazione alla sapienza

Federico Jorio / Valeria Caggiano / Antonio Ragusa
/ Emerson Wagner Mainardes. pp. 235-246


The object of the study concerns with the Italian university reform feels, beginning by the Bologna Process. After the principal steps and research publications analysis of this process, the work purpose is placed in the setting designed by the ministerial decree 509/1999 with the students’ involvement of the university of Rome Communication Department. The empiric part has been structured in two analysis moments: in the first quantitative one it is proceeded to the data reprocessing of the faculty research Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media,conducted in 2007, through the students’ sample extrapolation, obtained by the national web-survey. The following step has complemented the data analysis with the qualitative interview, aimed to a departmente professors’ and students’ shortlist. The two stakeholders’ story could deepen the reasons surfaced in the first part of the work, because of the evolutions narrative motivations of the considered phenomenal aspects. The qualitative analysis moment has allowed to catch the impressions connected to the ministerial decree 270/2004 enforcement too, which started at faculty in the 2008/2009 academic year.
Keywords: university, reform, feels, internationalization, students, professors, european higher
education area.

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