Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 195-202 | doi: en trámite |
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Políticas afirmativas e construção da identidade em universitários afrobrasileiros
Norma da Luz Ferrarini / Luciana Albanese Valore / Denise de Camargo. pp. 203-210
In the last decade, affirmative action policies have provided significant transformations in Brazilian society by fostering debate and consolidating the democratization of access to higher education. This study analyzes the implications of affirmative action policies in the construction of the identity of Afro-Brazilian students. Analyzing the testimony of twenty-two students at the Federal University of Parana, which entered the university through the system of racial quotas and participated in the Project Afroatitude, we observed a significant change in the configuration of racial identity. Thus, if prior to their participation in the project mentioned his speeches showed a naturalistic conception of the racial constitution of identity and hiding biased social attitudes, after it was possible to observe a redefinition of the dimensions of racial identity, academic identity, quota holder identity and group identity. This redefinition of identity led to greater integration into the institutional apparatus and the university culture, appropriation of knowledge and social places, understanding of the multiple determinants in the process of social constitution of identity and empowerment of individuals, experience of political formation capable of mobilizing forces of change, replacing the inertia of stagnation identity through active participation of the subject as a historical being in the building society.
Keywords: affirmative policies – racial quotas – identity