Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 143-154 doi:  en trámite
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Estudos de caraterização dos perfis atitudinais e emocionais em alunos do ensino EB

Adelinda Araújo Candeias / Nicole Rebelo. pp. 143-154


This study proposes to characterize the students’ attitudinal profiles toward school (attitude toward learning, competence and motivation) based in attitudes towards Portuguese and Mathematics, and Emotional Intelligence. Based on a study with Portuguese youngsters (N=671) from regular classes, whom we applied Questionnaires of Attitudes toward School, toward Portuguese language and toward mathematics.and Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Bar-On. The results of this study show a composition of the functional profile of attitude toward school, which combines positive attitudes toward Mathematics and Portuguese and negative attitudes as disaffection against the same disciplines. This profile also includes emotional resources such as adaptability, mood, interpersonal and intrapersonal understanding and difficulty in managing stress. Finally we discuss the meaning of the results and their implications in the profiles of students from 1st to 3rd level of compulsory education in Portugal to explain why not all the strategies of teaching and learning are effective in terms of student outcomes and also in terms of their psychological well-being.
Keywords: profiles, attitude toward school, attitude toward Portuguese language, attitude toward mathematics, emotional competence

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