Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 2, pp. 125-132 doi:  en trámite
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Estudio de la auto-eficacia en la lectura desde una perspectiva evolutiva

Raquel Fidalgo / Olga Arias-Gundín. pp. 125-132


We analyze changes in level of reading self-efficacy according to the age, comparing four age groups, belonged to 5th and 6th Primary Grade and 1st and 2nd Secondary Education. The sample comprised 511 students, distributed through the four grades, with the same distribution by gender each grade. Students’ level of reading self-efficacy was assessed by a scale that differences three subtotals of reading self-efficacy in relation to: decoding and fluency processes of reading, self-efficacy in relation to text-based model formation and self-efficacy in relation to situation-model formation in reading. Results showed differences statistically significant between grades in all levels of reading self-efficacy (total self-efficacy, self-efficacy in relation to text-model and in relation to situation-model), excepting self-efficacy in relation to decoding and fluency processes. In all cases, the developmental pattern of reading self-efficacy showed a decrease in level of self-efficacy by grade, showing a higher level of reading self-efficacy in grades of Primary Education than in grades of Secondary Education.
Keywords: Reading self-efficacy; decoding and fluency; text-based model formation; situation
model formation; development of self-efficacy.

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