Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 73-80 | doi: en trámite |
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Dificultades emocionales de los menores acogidos en familia extensa analizadas a través del test de la familiadoença mental em crianças do ensino básico.
Ana Paula Forte Camarneiro / João Manuel Rosado de Miranda Justo. pp. 73-80.
Fostering care within extended families is a measure that allows the minor to preserve his family connections and his feeling of belonging to a particular ethnic culture and identity. This is the reason why it is the main option of social protection taken into account by the legislation in Spain and is also the reason why its implementation has risen in the past years. Fostering care within extended families, together with foster care within other families, has, since 1998 exceeded in number the amount residential care cases. On the other hand, certain studies point out that extended families
represent a weak resource. The results of those researches claim that these families are mainly represented by grandparents, pensioners with low retirement pensions who have taken care of the
minors almost since these were born and under whose care, the minors tend to show problems of
adaptation and low school performance. The research was carried out with minors within extended
families in the city of Valencia. Our aim was to analyze the results and the needs of both the family
and the minors. The result of the Family drawing tests done to children who were less than 8 years
old proves the difficulties these kids have to accept the reality of foster care. This also demonstrates the undeniable need there is to provide these families with psychosocial resources.
Keywords: foster care, extended family, foster family, school performance, emotional difficulties,
adaptation, psychosocial resources.