Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 567-590 doi:  en trámite
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Las adolescentes, ya madres, y su relación con las redes sociales

Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera / Noelia Casanueva Carmona
/ Ana Belén Regalado Cuenca / Mª Luisa Bermejo García.  pp. 567-590

This study tries to know the motivation of the teenagers already mothers to integrate and inform in the social networks, specifically in the network: “Tuenti“ as redoubt of current evasion more frequented and known by the Spanish teenagers. Definitively, this investigation tries analyzing the influence that exercises the network on the life of these teenagers, trying to check if thanks to these networks, the teenagers already mothers can learn, to collaborate and to rest mutually. This investigation not only presents a brief description of the reality of these premature mothers in the social network but it grants information to us to be able to compare his behaviors with own theirs when still  they were embarrassed. To be able to realize this comparison we send ourselves results in the presented investigation previously when these teenagers were pregnant.
Keywords: Adolescents, pregnancy, social networks, Tuenti, equal.

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