Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 557-566 | doi: en trámite |
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La transición Secundaria – Universidad. Estrategia orientadora en la adolescencia
José Daniel Álvarez Teruel / María Teresa Tortosa Ybáñez / Salvador Grau Company. pp. 557-566
The orientation is becoming a necessary activity in all levels of education, not only for being considered a key indicator of quality but also to provide assistance to students at different points in the process of integral formation. In general, we can consider as “critical moments” in student life transitions between the different educational levels. It is therefore necessary to plan orientation activities required to facilitate access to further studies. Throughout their academic training, students perform at least five educational transitions. The two most important transits, Primary – Secondary School – University, agree well with a teenage student. The second transition is controlled and planned by agents targeting the institutions concerned. The transition to the University, however, is at an early stage in terms of action planning, guidance and mentoring. This precariousness is necessary to make contributions to assist in effective development. One of the objectives we established in this study is to develop a general plan of work that can be used to plan actions in a transitional program from secondary education.
Keywords: orientation, transition, Secondary Education, Universit