Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 525-532 | doi: en trámite |
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La convivencia escolar en 3º de eso y 1º de bachillerato
en la región de Murcia
Antonio García Correa. pp. 525-532
With this essay we intend to work on how the classroom coexistence is dealt with.
Firstly, a theoretical study on the school coexistence will be done.
Then, the information collection on different Secondary Schools from the Region of Murcia will be described. This information has been collected from the 3rd grade of Secondary Schools and the 1st grade of Baccalaureate. The aim of this investigation is to overseen how these students coexist within their classrooms, the incidence that this coexistence has inside and the overawe that this provoke. Thereafter, a statistical analysis on those grades taking into account the means of those classrooms and the means of the boys and girls will be expressed. At the end, the conclusion will be established and finally, the biography will be outlined.
Keywords: Coexistence. Citizenship. Socialization. Education.