Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 489-496 doi:  en trámite
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Ethical beliefs and attitudes on child work by a group of italian youngsters

Paula Benevene.  pp. 489-496


The research aims to gather youngsters’ attitudes towards child work and their buying behavior in relation to this problem. The research has chosen young people as its target group, because they are the most directly involved in the question of child work, and because they are often targeted by non-governmental organizations to boycott products involving child exploitation.
The paper therefore presents the results of a research carried out in Italy, through the administration of a questionnaire to a group of about 1500 high schools students, aged 14-18, from all over Italy. Almost half of the participants are attending a grammar school and the other half a vocational schools. The group interviewed showed a moderate awareness on the issue of child work. As far as policies of buying are concerned, a substantial disagreement emerged between attitude and belief and the consequent behavior: the majority of participants in fact affirm the importance of adopting concrete preventive measures to counteract child work but only a minority adopted a coherent behavior.
Keywords: child work, social representation, consumer behavior, attitudes, young people

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