Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 423-430 doi:  en trámite
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Conflicts, academic achievement, and students´perception of support in school

Ana Paula Quintela de Moura Ildefonso / Feliciano Henrique Veiga. pp. 423-430


The increasing complexity and conflict in society are reflected in school, where the conflict situations are more frequent, demanding answers adapted to the specific reality in which is inserted.
The aim of this study was to find answers for the following general problem: How do the students of the basic school percept the conflicts at school? More specifically, this study focused in the following study questions: Q1 – What relationship exists between the items of conflicts and the performance of students in core disciplines? Q2 – What relationship exists between the items of conflicts and specific school factors (perception of support from teachers and colleagues)? The sample consisted of students from 6th and 9th grade, a total of 211 subjects. To evaluate the perception of conflicts in school, we used a questionnaire, adapted from “Cuestionario de Convivencia Escolar” (Cangas, et al., 2007). The results allowed finding differences between variables considered. The study includes a discussion of results and their comparison with other investigations, citing the need for further research, according to new contexts and throughout schooling.
Keywords: conflicts in school, conflict resolution.

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