Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 411-422 | doi: en trámite |
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Comparación en la utilización de las redes sociales entre adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas
Noelia Casanueva Carmona / Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera / Ana Belén Regalado Cuenca /
Mª Isabel Ruiz Fernandez / Fajardo Bullón Fernando. pp. 411-422
The study that we present next, gathers the results and observations obtained across a study in
development which principal aim is to know the differences in the utilization of the social networks for pregnant and not pregnant teenagers. Specifically we will treat the social network: “tuenti” for being one of the most popular among Spanish teenagers. This investigation not only presents a brief comparison of the reality of these pregnant women and not pregnant women in the social network, but it allows us to think over conclusions and teen behaviors observed on which, as professionals, we must act and to a great extent anticipate. In addition to a brief descriptive study, we will approach a starting point, a small grain of sand to continue and to promote the wished attention that the teen pregnant women deserve and demand in our society.
Keywords: Adolescents, pregnancy, social networks, Tuenti, equal.