Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 375-382 doi:  en trámite
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Avaliação da satisfação dos jovens sobre as sessões de mediação de conflitos

Elisabete Pinto / Márcia Melo. pp. 375-382


Currently, we experience increasingly serious violent behaviors, even considered themselves criminals. For some, it is the result of change in social structures, for others, of various social-economic reasons and, finally, there are those who try to analyze this situation by the absence of skills that make it possible to deal with conflict situations in a positive/collaborative way. Focusing in this third group of reasons, it is advocated a direct and incisive intervention on the subjects, especially in young people.
Punish just isn’t enough, it is important to realize the individuals creating learning conditions within the framework of relational skills. To this end, it has been designed structures and mediation procedures that could fill this gap, in particular in schools. But, if in the literature we find references to these structures and mediation procedures, we are faced, however, with an almost total absence of data on the evaluation of mediations by their users.
Thus, because our experience was allowing us to recognize the effects of mediations in personal and relational skills increment in favor of better interpersonal relations contexts, it matters to understand how young people evaluate the mediations performed. This study aims to analyze the reality under the perspective of 36 young people who replied to the questionnaire for assessing satisfaction in participating in mediation sessions.
Keywords: children and adolescents, interpersonal conflict, mediation.



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