Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 367-374 | doi: en trámite |
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Atajar el fracaso escolar a través de programas de intervención psicosocioeducativos
Jasone Mondragón Lasagabaster. pp. 367-374
Completed ten years of publication of the order regulating attention to students in need of remedial education in the Valencia region (Spain), we analyze the various intervention programs have been implemented gradually in schools serving these students. This communication presents a review of the proceedings for compensation through educational enrichment programs, counseling and support centers, the host program to the education system, special care program and stepping outside of school time, programs for improvement of school success, a program to prevent and reduce absenteeism and early school leaving, and “Educarte” program. All designed to, and deployed in, schools of compulsory education.
Keywords: School failure, Educational Compensation, Intervention Programs